Monday, November 23, 2009

Your Elevated Life

Why does the death of a cop grab more attention than a 42 year old business man with a a wife and two kids. Even in this perceived cold black heart, I feel bad for families that lose a loved one. However, I don't understand why the death of cop on the job is any more significant than a shooting of a general employee. Why is the life of a cop more valuable than anyone else?

Main Stream Media

You are so desperate right now. You churn out bullshit after bullshit. Ethics was never a high priority on the job, but you constantly stoop to new lows. Research is not in your vocabulary. You spit out the same regurgitated information and don't bother to process things. Deadlines and word counts are more important than writing quality stories with factual information. I have defend newspapers to an extent in their decline but I have seen the light. Blogs are more credible than newspapers and the Internet is more reliable than the New York Times. Goodbye newspapers. Fuck you main stream media! I am not listening to your bullshit.

Friday, November 13, 2009

I am Your Conscience

Please adjust your seat to its upright position... and leave it there motherfucker! Do not, under any circumstances move your seat back while in coach. If someone is sitting behind you, it is one of the most ignorant things you can do. Really your going to your seat back so far that I can't watch my DVD or that I can't enjoy a beverage aboard the friendly skies. My knees barely fit in the seat and when you move your seat back it confines my knees. How ignorant can you be?


Go head and put a gun to my face. Threaten to kill me if I don't give you money. I still want to see you play on Saturday. Go Vols!
Tennessee's Nu'Keese Richardson, Mike Edwards and Janzen Jackson have been charged in an early morning armed robbery. The man that they allegedly tried to rob had this to say.

Corey Zickefoose: I think they should still be able to play football, regardless. Tennessee is my place. You know, it's my football team.
Reporter: Even after they put a gun in your face, you say let them play football?
Corey Zickefoose: Yeah. It's Tennessee. That's the way it is sometimes.

That's the way it is sometimes in the ESS.EEE.SEE.
The store that the players were alledegly attempting to rob is owned by one of the Tennesse's largest athletic boosters. The story goes that the players were trying to rob the store with a pellet gun and one of the players was wearing Tennesee Vols gear.,202271

Monday, November 2, 2009

Suck My Yahoo

I'm not sure how many people use Yahoo but I cannot stand the articles on their main page. Generally I prefer yahoo's search engine to google's but the articles are tabloid esque. How to lose 10lbs in two weeks. TO's career over? Credit Card Mistakes You Make. I don't give a fuck. What's worse is sometimes and article that might seem interesting, such as 10 companies in bankruptcy danger are poorly conceived. The articles are meant to be attention grabbers to get quick hits. It works even on the harshest critics such as myself sometimes. Resist the urge at all costs to click on these articles but if you do please do not ingest the information. I promise you it's rubbish.